As this is a “Shape” key it doesn’t work if you just resize the lattice in OBJECT mode. Using the “Lattice” key is more like using RVKs (Shapes).
#Animate lines keyshape full size
Then advance the frames and expand your lattice to full size then IKEY>Size again. If all you’re trying to do is expand the lattice for a “grow” effect, then don’t choose “Lattice” key, just use a Size Key as if it were just any other object. I guess if you turn this off you get AVKs (I’ve never used AVK so I can’t say much about it). In another thread I said that I didn’t think AVK was in the new release but I see shape keys have a “relative” button on by default. I don’t know if there’s a way to make the lattice deformations into shape keys - I doubt it unless it can be scripted. Shapes can be applied over each other and Blender will calculate a result for any keys that compete for the same vertices. The shape will start deformed and return to normal… If you still have your lattice animation happening then your object should move, resize, rotate and deform all at the same time.Ĭomplex shape deformations (such as facial movements and lip sync) are made using multiple shape keys, each key affecting one facial part (mouth_left_up, mouth_right_up, mouth_ top…, mouth_bottom… etc). Advance 10 frames and drag it back to 0.00 the shape returns to normal. While on frame one and with Key 1 still active, grab the slider underneath the key and drag it forwards to 1.00, the shape deforms. Go back into Object mode - the object returns to basis shape but Blender has stored the deformation in Key 1. Grab a vertex or two and move them to deform the object. Then choose “Add Shape Key” again and you have “Key 1” available (you can rename it). This sets a “Basis Key”, essentially a “rest pose” for shapes. In Object mode, select the object (not the lattice) and activate the “shapes” panel (F9>shapes). You can also animate the object independently of the lattice too and this is where shape keys (among other things) could come in useful. You can even put the lattice on a separate layer so you can hide it while viewing the viewport animation. The object does eveything the lattice does. Add a key at frame 1: LocRotSize, then advance to frame 11, move the lattice (the object moves with it), resize it, rotate it and add another key: LocRotSize. To animate this you animate only the lattice. Note also that your object deforms more predictably if it is contained within the lattice. OB: Lattice (or whatever your lattice Object name is) Note: This method doesn’t always work for me. Just select the object (not the lattice) and apply a modifier: CTRL P > Lattice deform)You can use the parent method then go to the “Lattice parent deform” that appears in the modifers panel and press “make real” to make this a modifier or,ĭon’t parent the objects. Parent the object to lattice (select object then lattice.

Shape keys and lattice deform are quite different things. Since you say “shape keys” I’ll assume you’re talking 2.4 (They were RVK/AVK before and little has really changed other than the way you work with them). Hmmm, you’ve got me confused but see if this helps.